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Our Workshops


The VibraSon - Chamanic drum and intuitive singing circle


The VibraSon is an energetical workshop which is part of a personnal development work.


It is the occasion to experiment something with your inner self.

You will discover how the vibration of a sound has an impact

on your deeper cells, and how it makes you feel. 


Using music instruments such as tibetan bowl,

chamanic drum and your own voice, this moment is a moment of share,

of unity and communication within a group of people.

This is a moment where everyone has its place and

is requested to bring its own sound, its "Self'.


No need to be a musician or a singer, the aim of the workshop

is simply to let us feel in with joy, good mood, and together,

be able to express our creative potential, who we are.





thank you to book your place by phone or text




Méditation au bol tibétain 2.jpg
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